If these walls could talk

Tanya Schultz is a West Australia artist living in Fremantle. She first visited Airds for the project in July, with no concrete idea except an inkling she wanted to work with wallpaper.

This proved to be an ideal canvas for showcasing objects and moments of beauty around Airds, and also as a way for Tanya to connect with local residents and allow them to take part.  A kaleidoscope of images was formed from their favourite treasures and stories, the objects of which she photographed and turned into a digital collage which was then printed as wallpaper. The design references traditional wallpaper in that its quite emblematic and from a certain distance looks like many deliciously candy coated “coat of arms”. Like a charlie and the chocolate factory candy wallpaper, I resisted an urge to lick the wall.

To collect images, objects and stories, Tanya placed a table with a bunch of craft materials in ‘Airds Village’ the local shopping centre, piquing the interest and curiosity of local kids and their parents during the school holiday period. A free self directed and open maker-space provided a great opportunity for Tanya to chat to the kids and ask them what they thought about Airds.  She followed this up with additional tables at ABCentral at a holidays workshop, during Naidoc week, as well as setting up at Tharawal Aboriginal Corporation.

Tanya also visited the Men Sheds in Airds, and it was here that she met Phil. At first Phil was adamant that he had no story of interest, until Tanya discovered that he was the proud owner of a backyard full of budgies. He promptly invited Tanya to his home to inspect first hand. Tanya was quite impressed with his amount of knowledge about budgies. Phil really enjoyed talking about his budgies!

Tanya also met Dawn through ABCentral who she discovered was quite good at craft. She brought a bunch of stuff to Tharawal to show, things that she had knitted and crocheted. These images naturally wove themselves into the wallpaper narrative.

Tanya also sought imagery from surrounding commercial areas. The local Milkbar stood out with the most extensive and colourful range of lollies Tanya had ever seen. These images were perfect for the wallpaper design.  The owner was quick to let Tanya know that he only buys the good stuff. Next door the bakery featured bizarre looking meringues and strange curly sweets.

The impression of the wallpaper in the house is quite something; it has totally transformed the house. On the final day of installation, as Tanya was wallpapering the mailbox with leftovers, Lyn from across the road asked if Tanya could come and wallpaper her house!